Quick security checklist
- Is your computer operating system up to date?
- Is your anti-virus program up to date and enabled?
- Are you downloading from the software’s official website?
- Did you follow the download and installation instructions?
- Have you scanned the downloaded file for viruses?
- Is the checksum of the downloaded file correct?
General computer security
- Ensure that you computer’s operating system is up to date with all the latest security fixes. Ensure all applications you use, especially your web browsers, are kept updated. All operating systems and software can have security vulnerabilities, and software developers work hard to close them. If your computer is not kept up to date, you are potentially at risk.
- Ensure you have reputable anti-virus monitoring software installed and that you keep it up to date. This means both having the latest version of the software, and keeping it updated with the software publisher’s latest definitions of viruses and suspicious behaviour. Consider doing one-off scans from time to time with a second anti-virus application, for a second opinion. New viruses and malware are created every day, so for effective protection it is essential that your security protection is kept up to date.
- While Windows is the major target of most viruses and malware, neither Mac OS X or Linux are immune to attack, so avoid high risk websites and services. Emails can be faked. Don’t click links in emails that ask for your personal information.
- Use an effective firewall. Most correctly configured routers provide effective firewalls. Consult the manual for your router to ensure that it is secured. Enable the most secure WPA2-PSK (AES) option, which is available on most modern routers. Use a software firewall too. On most modern operating systems, this just means checking if that firewall is running.